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The Consequences of Being Trifling seeks to examine the decline of integrity, personal value systems, honoring commitments, etc.  The decline of these basic traits has led to ineffective interpersonal communication and other forms of common courtesy necessities.  This book is not only a harsh critique of the decline of a positive value system, but, more importantly, it offers solutions on how we can make personal and simple changes in our own daily behaviors that will lead to a more civilized society where everyone may coexist in an ever-complexing environment.

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The Consequences of Being Trifling (Paperback) $32.00 (shipping is included)

Cash App is available at $DrRubinCockrell

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E-Book Version of "The Consequences of Being Trifling" $9.99 available Kindle, Apple Play Store

Cash App is available at $DrRubinCockrell

Dr. Cockrell’s book, The Hidden Curriculum: Life Lessons You Won’t Learn in a Classroom is currently represented in businesses, government, the Armed Forces and educational sectors within forty-five countries around the world. This book is also used to teach rehabilitation and life skills to future entrepreneurs who are currently inmates within correctional facilities.

About The Hidden Curriculum

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The Hidden Curriculum (Paperback)

$25.00 (shipping is included)

Cash App is available at $DrRubinCockrell

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